How to Reserve A Puppy
Click the link How To Reserve A Puppy, print the pdf form, fill it out and mail it in. If you have questions, call Louise at 608-565-7750
Requirements for Reserving A Puppy
- We require a $400.00 deposit when puppies are available after birth
- We accept personal checks and postal money orders
- Pups are to be picked up starting at 8 wks thru 10 wks unless other arrangements have been made
- Due to law changes we are no longer able to ship puppies on airlines. Please call or email for transportation arrangements.
Recommended Dog Food
Recommended Pet Insurance
Prudent Pet Insurance – click here for information
If you have any questions or need assistance, please call Prudent Pet Insurance at 888.926.0830
Norwich Terrier Book
Good Reference to the Norwich Terrier Breed.
This book is published by Kennel Club Books, LLC
308 main Street – Allenhurst, NJ 07711
The Book can be bought through Amazon or Ebay
NuVet Plus Supplements
All our dogs and puppies are given NuVet Plus Supplements.
I highly recommend them – Louise Vopelak
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The Vopelaks are an ordinary family who live in the country and have Louise Vopelak with terrier pup – Vopelak Terriers LLC. a love of animals; especially our dogs. We are in beautiful central Wisconsin and have been in the same home for nearly 40 years.
As a child one of my first memories was the love of animals, especially dogs, which I sensed were a special animal—who had love/devotion and joy to give, if you just spent some time with them. I remember one time, around third grade, class was out for recess and there was a dog on the playground, friendly and cute, when the bell rang–I didn’t want to go back in but stayed playing with the dog and actually walked home and took the dog with me. Of course, the teacher was frantic.
Later on I, myself, became a teacher; but after getting married chose to be a stay at home Mom. My teaching instinct still came into play and taught the children a lot of the basics and even themselves to be teachers, though none pursued that career, by nature the children loved animals too.
When the kids were young we had a min-farm on our thirty acres,1st Place – 4-H Dog Show dogs, horses, chickens etc. We became involved in 4-H and showed many of the animals at the annual County Fair. They took the 4-H Dog Obedience subject and at the end of the class, a 4-H Dog Show was held at the county fair in front of the grandstand. Our kids took lst place in training of their dogs and received nice trophies, of course, we were very proud.
Now the kids are grown and have places of their own, but still have the love of animals and have the teaching desire, one daughter, Becky -(Certified Trainer) Trains & Shows Tennesse Walking Horses. Becky trains and shows Tennessee Walking Horses and is a certified trainer. Bob, our son works at a Dude Ranch. Our other daughter, Christy, trains, shows, and raises dogs and has our grandchildren started training and loving animals too.
My husband of forty years loves dogs and animals too. He is very handy at making and fixing things and does a lot for our dogs for their comfort–he finds time to do this even with his full-time job. He grew up on a farm and always had a dog. His folks always had a big garden. Since we were married, we always had a garden and dogs. I learned to can from his Mom and put up many vegetables. We are organic gardeners and we became the First certified organic garden in our county. We still grow an organic garden.
On occasion we had cows, pigs and goats. Once the chickens were laying very well and I had extra eggs, so fed them to the terriers and their coats started to shine–so eggs became a part of their diet. This too—good food, has overflowed into my terriers, they get the best of food. Her Pup placed 1st at AKC Dog Show. All terrier pups are started on the NuVet Plus Supplement, which is human grade and does wonders for keeping them healthy. I believe the life of a puppy is shaped by those very important first few weeks and try to give them love/best food/ and the training to get them started in the right direction. I do start them potty training outside and this has been a proven helper to the person getting the pup for that important job of housetraining. My motto for the dog is: Spell it back words…………
If you would like to get a puppy and you’re still not sure, please give us a call or send us an email. We would love to help answer any questions you have about our Norwich puppies. 608-565-7750